Tulevad üritused
Uued tõelise ühenduse sündmused on varsti tulemas!
Möödunud üritused

Emotsionaalselt lähedase suhte nimel: Kuidas kuulata ja olla kuuldud
“Minu kaaslane ei kuula mind päriselt. Teda nagu ei huvitakski, mida ma tunnen või kuidas mu päev läks. Ma poleks talle justkui üldse oluline”. Kas sarnased mõtted ja tunded tulevad tuttavad ette?
Paarilised võivad kogeda suhetes üksildustunnet ja mittehoolimist, hoolimata sellest, et nad tegelikult üksteist armastavad.

Surrender To Yourself + Voice opening & Sound healing Journey
• Voice Opening
• Sound healing
• Breathwork
• Body De-Armouring
• Energy Work...

Oleme Ühenduses - 15.10.22
Tänases kiires maailmas me tihtipeale unustame rääkida päris asjadest ja sellest, mis meie hingetasandil toimub. Seepärast otsustasimegi luua Teile ruumi, kus inimesed saavad päriselt olla kohal ja teineteisega ühenduses - ennast avada ja kuulata teisi südametasandil...
Mastermind for making a bigger impact - 19.07.22
We are excited to come together and harness the power of collective thinking and collaboration to achieve our individual and collective goals. This event is designed for individuals and leaders who are looking to make a greater impact in their personal and professional lives. Our expert facilitator will guide you through experience that will help you identify your passions and purpose, set meaningful goals, and develop a plan of action to achieve them.
LinkedIn Mastermind - 18.07.22
The goal is to help you take your LinkedIn presence to the next level. Whether you're looking to build your personal brand, expand your professional network, or find new business opportunities. Our expert facilitators will guide you through an interactive and engaging experience. You'll learn the latest strategies and best practices for building a strong LinkedIn presence and connecting with the right people.
Women Circle - 15.07.22
We are thrilled to come together in sisterhood and create a safe and supportive space for connection, self-discovery, and personal growth. This event is an opportunity for women to share their stories, experiences, and insights in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. We will create a sense of community and sisterhood as we empower and inspire each other to live our best lives.
Channeling with Paul Vishal - 12.07.22
We are excited to have you join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. This event is designed to provide a safe and supportive space for participants to explore past traumas, channel their inner wisdom and gain insights into past lives. You will get insight into how to process and release past traumas, tap into your inner guidance, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life's purpose.
Gratitude with Erwin B. Valencia aka The Godfather of Gratitude - 09.07.22
We are thrilled to have you join us as we come together to reflect on the things we are thankful for and cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude in our lives. Through guided exercises, interactive discussions, and personal reflection, you will leave this event feeling uplifted and empowered. Let's take this time to appreciate the present and all that we have been blessed with.
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