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I am here to guide you to your true self and fulfilled life that you have always dreamt about.
It's time to create a reality where you are no longer controlled by trauma, behavioral patterns, family beliefs, societal morals, or your inner fears and limitations. The key is to break through these barriers and reach out to yourself, live in the moment, feel joy and share your passion. I am at your service through different practices that I have acquired on my journey.

Life coaching will help you achieve your goals with clarity and confidence in your relationship, career, finances, and self-development.
90€ / 1h
Family Therapy
Let's dig deep into your family patterns, relationships, and childhood to live more consciously and have fulfilling relationships.
110€ / 1.5h
Couples therapy
Strengthen your relationship and overcome obstacles with couples therapy - develop effective communication skills for a healthier and happier partnership
110€ / 1.5h
OSHO Active Meditations work as tools to release our emotions and find our way to stillness and inner peace. It helps to find our presence in everyday life.
75€ / 1.5h
Personal program
I'll put together a personal program just for you, based on different therapy techniques and practices to fulfill your desired outcome.
90€ / 1h
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Coaching is there to help you change direction, find motivation, create satisfaction or build self-confidence.
In coaching, we are not so much about unraveling your past, but about using what you have experienced to make better choices in the present and future. In coaching, we review all areas of your life and decide what to prioritize.
It is often the case that one area has received a lot of attention and therefore has a higher level of satisfaction, while other areas have been neglected. A good example of this is when a person has focused their conscious attention on their career and earning money, but their relationships and health have suffered as a result. In this case, we will analyze and identify what could be different in terms of relationships and health and put in place concrete steps to get there.
Coaching will help you to see the bigger picture and keep your motivation up. It is a normal part of the process that people start out with a strong motivation to make changes, but as time goes by, that motivation drops.
As a coach, I will help you identify your areas of difficulty and find a new way to reach your goals. Coaching is about your willingness and will to change as in any therapy.
Coaching is for You if You want to:
change your life;
achieve your goals;
overcome fears and obstacles;
raise and maintain motivation;
increase confidence and courage;
understand your own limiting beliefs
and turn them to your advantage.
Coaching can result in:
purposeful action
towards your goals; -
clarity about where to go,
and what needs to be done; -
the clarity in and of oneself,
where you are in your life; -
increased self-confidence;
achieving your goals.
Family therapy is for You if You experience:
relationship problems- conflict, distance,
loneliness, side relationships; -
difficult divorce;
children's behavioral problems;
sexuality-related concerns;
family discord;
work problems.
Family therapy can result in:
better family functioning;
better understanding in relationship;
skillful problem-solving;
emotional well-being;
greater intimacy with the partner;
improved parenting skills.
Family therapy
Family therapy is the best way to identify the patterns and coping mechanisms that have most likely been going on for generations, and which are the reason why your relationships with your loved ones are the way they are.
The systems are very clever and sneaky. We ourselves often find it difficult to identify the patterns that drive us, because we come from the same system. In this case, family therapy is a great help and mirror in identifying the dynamics of relationships. Family therapy is a great option if you are experiencing distance, conflict, or dissatisfaction in your relationship, or if your children are having difficulties at school. You can also come to family therapy if you are not currently in a relationship but want to better understand why your previous relationships have not worked and want to create a more informed and healthy future relationship.
We'll work with the system as a whole and together we'll start to look at how family members affect each other. We will then set out a plan for the kind of relationship you want to experience, and start to take steps in that direction.
Relationships with family members can be difficult because they are usually the people closest to us. Consequently, this can also affect our satisfaction in other relationships and other areas of life.
Family therapy can help us to identify these areas and make changes in this direction to create a healthy and holistic family system that supports the whole system as well as each family member in their personal lives.
Couples therapy
A romantic relationship is a relationship that has a major impact on a person's well-being since it is the partner with whom we spend the most time and who knows us better than anyone else.
A relationship in which there is trust, closeness, attunement to each other, and a sense of security helps us cope better with life's challenges.
Most people go into a relationship with the expectations mentioned above, but over time begin to experience distance and loneliness for a very simple reason - we lack the skills and knowledge of how to be in a close relationship and how to resolve conflicts in a way that restores closeness as quickly as possible.
The good news is that all this can be learned. It is the emotional bond that is most important in a relationship - the sense of security and trust that we are understood and supported by our loved one in good and bad. It's essential to know that we are understood, supported, and accepted even when experiencing difficult emotions such as weakness, fatigue, exhaustion, stress, etc. Knowing we are safe, secure, and supported is also important. A partner's support and presence at such times can be very healing and supportive.
Both parties have a part to play in making such a relationship possible. It is important to understand your own needs and those of your partner, to be open to intimacy and attuned to your partner. A good start is when both have a desire to understand each other better and a willingness and openness to learning new ways of being intimate.
Couples therapy is for you if you experience:
- frequent conflicts in the relationship
- conflicts that cannot be resolved
- distance in the relationship
- feelings of loneliness
- sexual problems
- insecurity in the relationship
- hopelessness
Couples therapy can result in:
- increased intimacy in the relationship
- a better understanding of each other
- courage to be vulnerable
- Increased satisfaction and happiness
- better connection with your partner
- increased emotional connection
- increased sense of security
- a better understanding of self and partner needs
Hypnotherapy is for You if You experience:
Relationship/ family/ work conflicts;
health problems (addiction, sleep problems, anxiety, depression, weight problem).
lack of self-confidence;
excessive worrying;
difficulty coping with emotions,
for example, being angry all the time.
Hypnotherapy can result in:
increased self-awareness of your beliefs;
better concentration;
more positive outlook on life;
reduced anxiety;
increased motivation, and
ease of making changes in your life; -
increased self-confidence;
improvement of health problems.
Hypnosis is communication with your subconscious.
If you really want to change something in your life, but somehow have not been able to do so, hypnosis is one of the most effective methods to break patterns. It is working with your subconscious beliefs and rewriting those beliefs.
Hypnotherapy is a method of therapy where we implant new beliefs in your subconscious that will help you achieve your desired goals and experience greater satisfaction. While under hypnosis, which is a relaxed state of consciousness, you become more open and receptive to the therapist's suggestions and guidance to make the necessary changes in your perceptions, emotions, memories, habits, thoughts, or behaviors.
This shift in state of consciousness, or relaxed state, can help the client to see real situations, feelings, and events in a new light - including relationship problems, past experiences, anxiety, stage fright, work conflicts, or even chronic pain.
In clinical hypnosis, the therapist has no control over your thoughts, feelings, emotions, or behavior. You have complete control over your body and thoughts throughout the hypnosis.
People have many different perceptions of meditation, but it really just means being without thought. Surrounded by today's world, sitting in silence and meditating seems unnatural. We are in such a fast-paced, noisy environment that it can seem impossible to clear our minds. This is why we have come to the point where we realize that sitting and concentrating on breathing is no longer an effective way to meditate for the modern man.
Thanks to my own years of meditation experience, I have discovered that Osho active meditations are exactly suited to the modern person. As the name implies, these are active meditations, which use the body and in some cases the voice to meditate. Osho's active meditations work with each person individually and help people to get in touch with themselves more quickly and find a state of mindlessness within themselves. These meditations also have a great impact on a person's daily life - increasing contentment, getting in touch with oneself, experiencing life more vividly, being in the moment more easily, and reducing anxiety are just a few examples.
Osho active meditations are for You if:
you are struggling with anxiety;
suffer from sleep disorders;
are anxious, worried,
irritated or dissatisfied; -
you have difficulty concentrating;
you are depressed;
feel stuck in your life
and have no idea how to move on; -
you feel tired all the time.
Osho active meditations can result in:
increased presence;
sense of trust in life and in yourself
inner peace;
more energy;
stronger health;
reduced depression;
better emotion regulation;
significantly better quality of life;
release from blockages.
Personal Plan is for You if:
You are not sure exactly
which therapy/guide you need; -
You want to get clarity
on what to address first; -
You want clarity about
the different methods.
Personalized Plan can result in:
a firm plan about which therapy
is most appropriate for you; -
clarity on how to choose the
most appropriate therapist for you; -
a clear plan of where to start
and what to do next.
Personal program
A Personalised Plan is for you if you're not sure what would be the best solution to your problem.
You may have been at a dead end for a long time, where you feel you want to make a change in your life and deal with some issues, but you don't know exactly where to start, what form of therapy to choose, or who to go to.
Over the years, I have learned different forms of therapy, different practices, and different tools. I have gained experience working with clients and have come into contact with a wide range of specialists in different fields. I have also been through dozens of therapists, psychologists, healers, and workshops on my own journey, which has given me a good insight into the problems and how to solve them.
Together, we can create a Personal Plan for you, based on your concerns, desires, goals, and your life and well-being as a whole. Together, we'll look at the first steps you can take to move towards a bigger goal.
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